Church Family:

As I pen these words this morning I am saying a word of prayer for the different ones that came forward Sunday for prayer and those that raised  their hands for the same.  I ask that our compassionate heavenly Father would so engulf each of you in His love and acceptance that the peace of God that passes all understanding would bring a fresh breeze of His soothing grace into your lives.  I pray that you have someone that you have discovered to be a strong ally in walking the spiritual journey with God.  I, also, pray that God will give to each of you the ability to discerned the origin of the myriad of thoughts and emotions that flood our thinking each day.  May Philippians 4:13 become ever so true in your life this very moment:  V. 13 “I can do all of this through Him who gives me strength.”

“I can do all of this through Him who gives me strength.”    “All of this” has no limit to it when we consider the rest of this promise from the Apostle Paul. The promise for strength is through the one that said in Matthew 28:18 “All power is given to me in heaven and earth” and then adds a few verses later..”an lo I am with you always even to the end of the world”.

“All of this” includes the myriad of thoughts and emotions which just prayed about.   Now remember emotions are real but not all emotions are true.  This is where the enemy will attack us as followers of Jesus.  Real emotions that have a false pretext to them is a favorite avenue of the enemy to cause us to be anxious.  It is at this point we need to recognize the truth of 2 Corinthians 10:3-5  “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4  The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”    We must actively remember that this “battle of the mind” cannot be fought in our own strength and with the weapons of this world.   We need the support of friends, conversations with the Father, and an understanding of the how our emotions affect us to bring about the victory God wants to give us.  (Remember “all of this” I can do through Him who gives me strength.)  The latter part of verse five is imperative in that it instructs us to “take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.  Victory is ours as we claim the strength of Christ in every situation and emotional thought of life.

As we continue to win our personal battle with the enemy we are more able to be powerful gladiators in the army of God.  In these days God’s army needs to be able to rise against the continual assaults against God’s kingdom, and we do that by keeping ourselves on guard against the personal attacks that Satan will throw at us.

Just remember you are not alone when the enemy attempts to derail us with anxious thoughts and emotions that have no standing in truth.  IN ALL OF THIS….we can be victorious through the strength of Jesus Christ.

(I will continue to lift each of you before God……and remember as your pastor I am as close as a text or a phone call.)

Pastor B.