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Our Latest Messages
Pastor Barkley writes: Pain and Purpose
Church Family; It has been a little longer than anticipated between my writings. Demands and focus on other matters of importance was a part of the reason, and thrown in a little of procrastination by me and look, we are here....Oct 7th. I am appreciative of the...
Pastor Steve writes:
I missed getting a blog out to you last week. I am so sorry about that and I hope that today's sharing will give us what we need to stay close to and serve our Lord as we are called. Sunday morning I shared about how our God, Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit loves...
Pastor Steve writes: Praising the Lord
Today we will look at a scripture found in Psalm 150 which I believe is one that most have read or heard preached any number of times. But I also believe that in the times which we are living it is a Psalm worth hearing and reflecting upon again. Psalm 150:1-6 reads:...
Pastor Barkley writes: Growing the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Church Family: As I pen these words this morning I am saying a word of prayer for the different ones that came forward Sunday for prayer and those that raised their hands for the same. I ask that our compassionate heavenly Father would so engulf each of you in His...
Pastor Steve writes:
Today we will look at a scripture found in Psalm 150 which I believe is one that most have read or heard preached any number of times. But I also believe that in the times which we are living it is a Psalm worth hearing and reflecting upon again. Psalm 150:1-6 reads:...
Pastor Barkley writes: Growing the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Church Family: We continue with our blog under the topic of “Growing the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit.” God has certainly taken me on a spiritual journey as each week I prepare for sharing His Word for the following Sunday. I had anticipated the path of this...